Today was her third school day and so far it's going well. She is happy in the mornings and she is happy in the afternoon when I go pick them up. She likes it in school and I'm just so amazed how easy this school transition was. I wasn't ready to let her go yet .... I was supposed to be off from work till 5 May, but now with her adjusting so well, I'll go back on Monday. It is truly amazing.
The first day I picked her and Jalen up from school, her teacher wrote me a letter about her first day. This is what it read:
I just wanted to let you know that Hanna had a good day today. She played with all the students in her class [she's in K-4 = Preschool]. Also, she stopped crying as soon as you left. It is a real pleasure to have her in my room. Please let me know if I can help her in any way.
God Bless,
Mrs. Gray
I was so happy to see this note ... Mrs. Gray is very good with her. Because Hanna is so touchy-feely-kissy this teacher is a perfect fit because she is warm-hearted, calm and loves hugging Hanna and Hanna just eats it up ..... her face lights up when her teacher greets her in the morning with a hug. The principle's wife had the idea of putting her in this teacher's class as opposed to another one because she thought it would be a better fit for her. And she was right .... it seems to work out just fine. Next year I'll have Hanna in K-4 again because she won't make the cut-off date anyway with her birthday being in September, plus I'm glad to be able to let her ride it out for another year before school so she can catch up with her language skills and everything else before Kindergarten. Things couldn't have worked out more perfectly that this.
Below is a picture of her, Jalen and Dada this morning. The rest were done on her first day after picking them up from school. Eventually, I'll take pictures of her in her classroom as well with her friends and the teacher ... but for now, this is what I have.
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