We are a family of 4 and a half, if you count Mariah, our dog. As a military family, we move a lot and are always miles and miles away from our family. This Blog serves now as a means to keep in touch with them and letting them know how we are doing and what we've been up to. Geno and I have been married for 17 years. We have 2 amazing kids: Jalen who's 8 (3rd Grader) and Nyla who's 7 (1st Grader). Jalen was born in Germany, when we were stationed there with the Air Force and Nyla was born in Ethiopia and she's joined our family when she was 4.5 years old in March 2010 thru adoption. Right now, we are stationed with the Army at Fort Huachuca, AZ. Previously, we lived in Alabama for 4 years. Living the military life is wonderful and we are blessed to serve, but it can be challenging at times for the family due to the many moves throughout the US as well as overseas. We're trying to do our best and hope that our children will become better people for it, learning to adapt and adjust to new situations and experiencing life in different parts of the country and the world. We also have a dog, Mariah whom we adopted in Aug 2011. She is our latest, and most wonderful pet addition to our family. The children love her and she is crazy about them.
Enjoy following our lives and feel free to leave comments or send me an email at alida_z_johnson@yahoo.com.
Meine Lieben in der Ferne,
Ich hoffe mal, dass durch diesem "Internet Tagebuch" ihr Euch ein bisschen naeher zu uns fuehlt, und miterleben koennt, wie es uns so geht und was so Tag taeglich in unserem Leben ablaeuft.
Wir vermissen Euch sehr und koenne kaum warten Euch wieder zu sehen.
Haben Euch Sehr Lieb,