These are the blog award 'rules':
1. Thank the person who awarded you the award and link that person's blog on your blog.
2. Identify 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 7 bloggers with the 'Kreativ Blogger Award" - post links to their blogs, and leave a comment on each of their blogs to let them know of the honor. [I don't really know what a 'Kreativ blogger' is, so you can just give it to whoever you like.]
So with that said, I'd like to thank Amanda for nominating me for this award. I don't think I'm a kreativ blogger at all, as all I do most of the time is post pictures with some text for all our family in all parts of the world to see, and know how we, or mostly Jalen, is doing.
7 things about me:
1. When people first talk to me they always ask me: "Are you Puerto Rican?" Then I tell them "no" ... next question is always "Where are you from originally?" And I tell them: "Guess!" and the NEVER ever guess correctly :) ..... I've been doing this for about 16 years now and it still never fails. Always the same 'where r u from' game.
2. The way I grew up, it was a necessity, a mandatory thing almost to speak more languages so I'm fluent (besides English, which is my 4th language) in my native tongues (Romanian and Hungarian), German and French. I'm ok, meaning not so fluent but can read, write and hold a very basic conversation in Spanish and Italian, very basic Arabic and work-in progress Amharic. I don't get any of the languages confused in my head (contrary to what people usually ask me) but counting money or any math I can only do in Romanian .... any other language I'd do it in I get bogged down, so I never even try ... I just stick to counting and math in Romanian.
3. I used to be a party animal, club-going, always out and about kinda gal, but now since I've became a mommy 5 years ago, I'm just a home body .... don't really go out, I tried it once I think in the beginning and I felt guilty for not being with my child at night in case he needs me, and guitly for being too tired the next day b/c I didn't get enough sleep and not well and rested enough to be there for my son. So I don't go out ... but I miss it sometimes .... mostly the dancing ... I used to dance all night and do all the dances that were out there from the Electric Slide to the Cha Cha slide, and everything else in-between ....
4. Pink and Purple are my favorite colors .... I know I'm such a 'girl'.
5. My favorite thing to do, which has never changed throughout my life, is getting some take-out like Chinese food or pizza, coming home and watching a movie or two and just chillin' with hubby. If I had the time I could be in bed all day just watching movies, or shows on DVD like (Desperate Housewives, Prison Break, The L Word, Big Love, The Sopranos, 6 Feet Under, Nip Tuck, and the list goes on and on).
6. I don't want much in life except for my family to be ok and live a confortable life within our means, which leads me to the last fact about me ....
7. I absolutely hate, despise, detest owing anybody any money .... therefore ... I don't (except I don't own my house yet) .... we (Geno and I) have always been this way ... if we couldn't get it with the money we had .... we didn't need it or didn't want it. I'm glad I never bought into the American 'Dream' [lie] of credit cards, loans, and all that other stuff, where you end up paying someone else more than what you owe to begin with ... so as my father would always say: "We only stretch ourselves as far as our blanket goes, any further and we'd have cold feet!" [It's a translation, it sounds better in Romanian].
I don't know exactly on what criteria to award my 7 Kreativ Blogger Awards, so I'll just tell you my favorite 7 blog I love to read in no particular order:
1. Amanda's Blog [she keeps a very detailed private blog, and mostly I always know how this family is doing and what they're up to ... just by checking her blog] ... through her blog, comments, emails and phone calls we became friends and I can only hope that one day the two of us along with our families can meet.
2. Elisa's Blog [I love reading her blog ... this is a military family, we both have 5-yr old boys who have first/middle name in common ... I spoke to Elisa on numerous occasions on the phone, and she seems like a down-to-earth girl .... I just like her; plus she's the very first person I know who laid eyes, hugged, took a gift to, and spent time with my little girl and broght me back pictures and video to prove it .... this alone in the adoption world is ... priceless].
3. Missy's Blog [I love reading her blog .... this is another military family getting ready to pick up their daughter over X-Mas in the same orphanage our daughter is in. Over the months waiting for our referral, we became friends primarily through reading each other's blogs, leaving comments, writing emails and talking on the phone. Missy will be the second person who will spend some time with our little girl and who is taking her some X-Mas gifts from us. She's leaving soon ... in only 5 days ... and I can't wait for her to get back safely].
4. Meg's Blog [I love reading Meg's blog, especially finding out how her little boy Sam is doing and how he's growing and developing and the funny things he does, says .... oh, he just seems like such a joy, and I know Meg loves him to death ... Her boy reminds me very much of Jalen when he was that age ... I also love Meg's writing style: funny, sarcastic, very serious when the situation calls for ... but mostly just funny ... hillarious ... always putting a smile on my face].
5. Toni's Blog [Toni's another adoptive Mom, waiting for a referral. Now she is really creative in her blog always finding treasures, Ethiopian or otherwise to relate to her future little girl, she's very positive and uplifting on her blog ... plus I like listening to reggae which she has playing on her blog].
6. Kate's Blog [Kate is another adoptive Mom, who has a beautiful little girl and is in the process of adopting 2 more siblings for her lovely Meron (in Amharic Meron means "God's Gift" ... I love this name). I am excited to continue to follow her journey.
7. Courtney's Blog [I love reading Courtney's blog, even though I hardly ever leave comments, but I love her genuine, innocent, honest writing style .... her honesty and openness have caused some controversy in the past, but she stays true to herself and her blog voice ... and that's why I love reading her blog .... plus I always like to see how little Sol is doing].
Disclaimer: Ok, I think this was the longest post I've ever posted, and now my wrist hurts from so much typing :) .....
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