1. Thankful for this goofy little boy, Toti --- he's everything I'd want a son to be ... and lately he tells me: "Mama, you're the best Mama in history!" ... he's so funny, and smart, and just a wonderful little boy ..... he was sick over the holidays and we took him to the doctor today and it turned out he has a tonsilitis. He's on antibiotics now and is already feeling better .... praise God!
2. Thankful for my wonderful husband .... there's much I could say about him but it would take me several paragraphs and it still wouldn't do him any justice ..... let me just put it this way ..... he's everything I'd want a husband and father to my son to be ... and one day to our daughter!
3. Thankful for my daughter whom I never met yet but already love deeply in my heart. She is in an orphanage in Ethiopia right now and is cared for by other people I have never met before. I have to trust God and have faith in Him that she is ok. I'm also, waiting patiently for a friend of mine who just returned today from Ethiopia and the orphanage our daughter is in to send me some pictures and maybe even some video of her .... oh, I can't wait.
4. I'm thankful for Jalen's older brother ... we never see him but we think about him and talk about him a lot and have his pictures up throughout our house ... Jalen and his brother not only look so much alike but even seem so much alike - just mellow and laid-back like their daddy and loving animals - got a picture of both each taken at different times and different places petting a lamb at a petting zoo and it's amazing how much alike they look ... almost scary ... but in a good way ... I only hope that one day they get to meet and get to be close and love each other, as brothers should.
4. I'm thankful for Jalen's older brother ... we never see him but we think about him and talk about him a lot and have his pictures up throughout our house ... Jalen and his brother not only look so much alike but even seem so much alike - just mellow and laid-back like their daddy and loving animals - got a picture of both each taken at different times and different places petting a lamb at a petting zoo and it's amazing how much alike they look ... almost scary ... but in a good way ... I only hope that one day they get to meet and get to be close and love each other, as brothers should.
My list could go on and on of whom or what I'm thankful for ... I have a great supportive family on two continents and about 3-4 different countries; I have a great network of friends and other adoptive moms who have been supporting me and encouraging me throughout this process and from whom I draw a lot of strength and motivation and know that they are only a phone call away. I'm thankful for finishing up my Master's Degree before the referral because I wouldn't have been able to concentrate on school and going through an adoption. I'm thankful for both Geno and I having a job .... that's not to be taken for granted in today's economy .... I'm thankful for the nice house we don't own yet but hopefully soon in a couple of years .... I'm thankful for not having any debt and not owing anybody any money except our mortgage company .... and last but not least and probably most importantly I'm thankful for our health.
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.
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