This was our first time at Midbay Shores Florida, a military resort. I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised how beautiful it was and how immaculate our cabin was. First you'll see pictures at the beach - from MS it was just a matter of crossing the bridge - and then you'll see some pictures in the resort itself by our cabin.
Dragii Mei, uite aici va arat fotografiile care le-am facut acum in August cind am fost in vacanta cu copiii si cu Lisa. A fost foarte frumos. Intii vedeti poze la mare la strand si dupa acea poze unde am locuit la cabana chiar la apa intr-o Bucht unde se poate foarte fain pescui si este toate ce trebe pentru pescar, inca si o ghiuveta cu masa mare chiar unde pescuiesti ca dupa ce prinzi pestii sa-i si cureti si ii duci deja gata curatati la cabina. Nu am fotografii unde se pescuieste ca am uitat sa fac dar este foart Anglerfreundlich aici - poate pot odata sa va duc si pe voi aici. Na pusserdli, und macht es gut. Wir reden schon balde. Ich hab euch lieb.
1 comment:
We are so pleased that you enjoyed your stay at Mid Bay Shores. Your pictures are better than any the Air Force has taken of the park. We will hold you up in prayer as you continue your journey that leads to the love of your little girl. As you open your arms to pull her in and hold her close, know that our Lord's arms are wrapped around you both!
Be Blessed,
See you next year,
Rock & Eggy
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