This was Jalen's first day of school. You see him here with his new K-5 teacher, Mrs. Bramel. We were the first ones to arrive, because I'm always trying not to be late, but then I'm too early .... but better early then late ..... especially the first day of school. What kind of an example would I be setting for my child if we were ever late. I'm starting to instill in him, how important being on time is .... and more times than not, I succeed .... like his first day of school.
* Das ist Toti's Lehrerin am ersten Schultag. Wir waren so gut wie die ersten, denn ich will nie zu spaet kommen. Seine Lehrerin heisst Mrs. Bramel, und Toti mag sie und bis her mag ich sie auch .... ich denke mal sie ist echt ok und schein lieb zu sein. Na ja, mal sehen was noch kommt ... das Schuljahr ist ja noch lang ... aber ich hab das Gefuehl alles wird schon ok sein.
Awesome :) How cute!
First day of school!!! YEA!!! We have one more year before sending our youngest boy off to Kindergarten. :)
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