27 August 2009

Alida on the J.O.B.

OK, so I finally gave in to the request of family and friends to post pictures of me on the J.O.B. - I love my job, love what I do, I love serving my country .... my country, indeed .... a country where I chose to live in, as opposed to happened to be born in, and compared to any other country that I had the priviledge and was blessed to lived in, America, in my humble opinion, is the best! I signed my name on the dotted line because I truly believe, my country is worth it. I became a US citizen on (pay attention to the date) 12 September 2001. That's when I knew that I wanted to do more than to contribute to the overall production of beer (I worked for Anheuser-Bush in St. Louis, MO at that time); I wanted something more meaningful .... Today, eight years later, I have yet to regret that decision.
The American Dream holds truth for me, in fact .... I live it. My husband and I came from very humble beginnings .... came from nothing to so much .... we are truly blessed with so much good in our lives. I truly believe that with hard work, dedication, right attitude, spiritual faith that with HIS help anything is possible, and the love of a man like my husband, who stood beside me through thick and thin .... anything IS possible! There's no other place/country I'd much rather call HOME. .... HOME for me is where the heart is, where my two boys are (the big one and the little one) and I will be ok, no matter where I am. However, ultimately the U.S. will always be the place I call HOME.
So this is me, in a nutshell, at the office. The last picture is my boss and I, a wonderful lady .... couldn't have wished for a better boss, and definately a people-oriented person who cares about the people who work for her while still focusing on getting the mission done. I have a great relationship with my boss, which is more than many people can say, and for that I'm very greateful.

*Meine Lieben, endlich hab ich paar Photos von mir gemacht bei der Arbeit. Hier seht ihr mich in meinem Bueroe, naturlich umringt von Photos vom Toti und Geno .... tudom, kepbuzis vagyok dehat ez van, ezt kel szeretni ..... das letzte Photo sind mein Boss und ich. Sie ist echt sehr lieb zu mir .... so ziemlich einer meiner besten Bosse, die ich je hatte. Wir haben ein sehr gutes Verhaeltnis zueinander, und darueber freu ich mich, weil es ja doch mehr ist als viele andere sagen koennen ueber ihre Bosse und die Beziehungen zu ihnen. Na ja, ich hab diesmal Glueck gehabt. Ich hoffe es geht Euch allen gut. Ich vermisse Euch und pussl Euch alle.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Fun!!! :)

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers