14 April 2009

Good News from our Agency!

Over the past couple of months our agency had some referrals so I inquired about our position on the waiting list. Today we have found out that we are moving up on the waiting list of families who are waiting to be matched up with a child. We are now in the 80's after waiting for over two months when we started out in the 100's. We also have been told that we have about 2 handfull of other waiting families in front of us who are waiting for an older child like we are. This is exciting news for us! I keep praying that I get to SEE (.... a picture) our dauther this year! Seeing her IN PERSON .... would be absolutely amazing .... but a stretch considering the Ethiopian courts close for two or three months during the rainy season (from about August to October), so she would not be legally our child until we pass courth in Ethiopia. Well, for now we do what we do best ....... hurry up and wait!


atHisrighthand said...


I finally got a chance to check out your blog, what a gorgeous family you have! Your son is a doll! so handsome!

Hope you are doing well! Praying referrals start pouring in!

Alida said...

Thank you so much Elise.

Sean and Rachel Kerrigan said...

Thanks so much for following my blog, I am finally getting to read all the wonderful comments. Thank you for your encouragement along the way and for your sweet words. Your so son is SO cute, I just love the picture of him in the santa hat!:) That is great news that you are moving up on the list, I hope your referral comes soon, I can't wait to see who your sweet daughter is. God is with her now, where ever she is and I was very impressed with the care in Ethiopia generally. People there love children.
Thanks again!


Alida said...

Thanks Rachel. That's what I hear from many families returning from Ethiopia. Let's hope our little girl is safe and that God is watching over her. When I read blogs like yours and other families' I know that eventually it'll happen to us as well.
Thanks for the encouragement.


Autumn and Dan's family said...

Hello Alida,
Thanks for all your kind comments on our blog. Please don't hesitate to call or email with any questions about the big brother. In regards to bringing Jalen to Ethiopia, the transition to big brotherhood...
It is great to see you are moving up on the list...yay!

Alida said...

Thanks, Autumn. You know I will.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers