- I switched services .... Blue to Green
- We moved to Arizona this year in April
- Nana moved into our home in Alabama
- Kids are in 2nd grade and Kindergarten
- We have a most precious pet - Mariah
In August 2011, and after the children pleading with us for a long period of time, we decided to adopt a pet ..... so we did .... and her name is Mariah .... and she likes to drive :).

The main reason we finally decided to get a pet is simple: Nyla is not afraid of dogs anymore. When we first brought her home, 1.5 years ago, Nyla was terrified of dogs. She would take of running to the extent that she'd fall and tumble and scrape herself all up ..... that's how scared she was of dogs .... no matter what size. The thing is, that she grew up - until she joined our family - in Ethiopia, where dogs are not kept as pets and children are taught to fear and avoid them ... and for good reason too, as they are strays infected with many diseases.
So how did Nyla overcome her doggy fears, you might ask? Well, with time and being exposed to all kinds of dogs in a controled environment such as the animal shelters in Montgomery AL and in Sierra Vista AZ. We've taken many trips to the animal shelter, spending time there as volunteers, socializing with the dogs and cats while at the same time socializing my darling children with the animals .... Jalen was a huge help in the process as he's not scared of either pet, and eventually Nyla just kinda followed him along .... easing into learning to trust these animals and not being afraid.
Fast forward about 1.5 years, and here she is loving this dog so much, and Mariah crazy and protective of her. Nyla treats Mariah so gently and lovingly and in return, Mariah jumps on her on command and gives her kisses. It's so wonderful to have seen this process unfold and to have witnessed how far we've came and what strides we have made.
Mariah did not like Geno at all in the beginning. She was terrified of him, always alert to any of his moves and if he'd want to touch her, she'd back away with her tail between her legs. She took to the children and me right away .... but not so much to Geno. And listening to him???? Never!!!
Jalen and Mariah .... well, what can I say .... it was love at first sight!!! This boy is sooo happy to finally have a dog he can call his own. They play together a lot .... he's teaching her how not just to fetch a bone but how to bring it back to him as well ... lol ... he's very good with her. More commanding then Nyla is, but still very loving, caring and gentle with her. She listens to him, but at the same time is protective of him and loves him to pieces!
The two of them happy in picture below to finally have a dog they can call their own.
Also, another great thing that happened this weekend ..... the kids found some friends again, that live close and can come over anytime on the weekends and stay all day. As a military family, we move a lot (this was our first though as a family of 4) and the kids do well, but do miss their friends in Alabama very much. This weekend, I don't think they thought much about them because they played a lot ..... 2 days straight outside, only coming in for meals .... both Saturday and Sunday evenings they were spent ... pooped out ... and fell asleep very quickly. The sibling pair we befriended along with their parents lives just a block down our street. The boy, Dominic, is in Jalen's class at school and his sister, Sofia, is in Nyla's class in school. I can tell you, that even though we did nothing major this weekend but stayed home ... it was the best weekend ever since we moved to AZ because the kids finally found friends who live close by and can spend all day playing at the house, swimming and jumping on the trampoline. Mine were in heaven this weekend, and I'm sure Dominic and Sofia had fun as well and will be back soon.
Nyla and Sofia - classmates and friends
Dominic and Jalen - classmates and buddies
Last but not least, I'd like to talk a little bit about the man behind the strong woman :) ... my hubby. We are very happy to announce that he too, and dispite of this sh*tty economy, has now found a job and has been working again after being jobless for 3.5 months. Everytime we move with the military, he has to start all over from scratch, leaving a job and trying to find a new one. Do I ever hear him complain, bitch, whine about any of this??? ...... NEGATIVE ....NEVER .... he is supportive, loving, easy-going and laid back - I couldn't have asked for a better husband and father to my children ..... in a nutshell, he's the best and I'm crazy about him ... still and always .... even after 16 years of marriage.
We took this picture on the beach in San Diego CA when we took a trip there in July 2011.
Lots to cover in one post, but I think I hit the biggest things.