I haven't updated in seems since the beginning of summer and seeing how school just started up again, I will report on everything that went on during the summer.
Everything couldn't be any better. Nyla and Jalen are doing just fine ..... sometime at the beginning of summer Nyla told us she wants to be called "Nyla" by her first name and not "Hanna" anymore by her middle and Ethiopian name, and I must say it took us the whole summer to get used to it but the transition is now complete and she no longer has to remind us to call her by her first name. She's come out of her shell a lot, if that's even possible because she's always been very vocal and outspoken and outgoing ..... but now that she speaks English, there's no stopping her ..... she talks, and talks and talks, and is funny, and feisty and God forbid you say something wrong, like mispronounce her name, she will correct you on the spot.
Pictures below are from our vacation at the beach in Destin FL. She loves the beach as I knew she would, because she loves the pool. Both my children are waterbabies.

I must say without exaggeration that they both get along very well - yes, they do have their "moments" of fighting (verbally) but those moments are short lived .... mostly they play very well together, for hours at the time ..... without fighting, or any tattle-telling .... I used the "military" method which I learned in bootcamp on them, and for us it works: if one bothers the other one to the extent that the other one has to tattle-tell, they both get punished by not being able to swim anymore for the rest of the day ....... this method has worked wonders, and the fact that they love to swim ..... so when they get a little roudy, all I have to do is use this sentence .... and yes, they do know I do mean business, because they know I mean what I say and say what I mean :) .....

This picture was taken at the Big Kahuna Waterpard in Destin FL .... another first for our Nyla just like the beach. And as I expected and knew ..... they both loved Big Kahuna.

They love each other. They keep telling me how they will protect each other always ..... they tend to get real graphic at times ..... so I have to put some breaks on their very vivid imagination. That's one thing I have noticed with Nyla ..... she does have a very vivid imagination and love to play any kind of make-believe and make-up games like for example picking up her toy phone and calling Cinderella, Dora, Snow-White, Tiana or any kind of fairy tale figure like that and talks to them ...... I was afraid we'd have to teach her, or show her ... but no, she's always known to play well, and play make-believe like a girl of her age should.

One morning at the beach, Geno and I were still resting, cause these kids wake up at 5:30 and 6:00 in the morning, so they were playing something and she happened to come into our room with her play jewelry on and her tiara ..... I couldn't resist the Kodak moment.

Beautiful beach ..... and we stayed right on it ..... there's something about water and waves that is so calming to me and waking up in the morning and sipping your coffee while looking onto the ocean (well, Golf of Mexico) and listening to the waves ...... beautiful!!!!

They loved playing with the water hose people use to wash off with once they leave the beach. They couldn't get enough of playing with it and splashing each other, us and other people .... at which point I had to nip that in the bud ..... but they will sure try anything in the book and see if they can get away with it ..... and they're such rascals ....

This summer we also had Nyla's very first birthday party we were invited too, at the Pump It Up .... just a bunch of inflatables but kids and adults love it .... I loved it ......

This summer was our first experience with me being TDY .... I was gone out of town and out of pocket for three weeks and when I came back it almost felt like Christmas because I promised them lots of surprises = toys ..... if they were being good with their Dada ...... and they were according to him .... and he was telling me how much she would help him out and know where everything is, everything goes, comb her hair, comb Jalen's hair, etc... ..... just like a little mama .... so hence, one of our terms of endearment for her is: lil' mama ..... which is absolutely fitting. And oh so true .... this little girl will help with anything I'd let her, like helping me unpack and put up things (which we had quite a lot to do lately with me going TDY, or us going on vacations), or helping me fix breakfast, or just about anything .... and I don't ask her, she is the one asking me: "Mama, can I help you!" This is so new to me, so wonderful and cute really, because Jalen's not like that .... he doesn't just out of the blue ask me to let him help me ...... she is such a good soul!!!!

My Princess and My Hero

Playing in Jalen's room one day .............

This summer we went to our adoption agency's (Children's Hope International) annual family reunion of all the families who brought their children home from all kinds of countries my agency works with. It was nice to meet so many friends I have until then only met in "blogland" or in Ethiopia when we picked our children up. We stayed with Nana of course ... see pic above.

The kids had a blast at the picnic (their cousin Faith came along for the fun) and not even 5 minutes into the drive back to Nana's this is what happened .... and it continued on until well into the evening .... which delayed our Ethiopian restaurant plans for quite a bit .... but when they woke up at almost 8 that night, they were good and ready and hungry .... and we all had a feast at the Meskerem Ethiopian restaurant in St.Louis. We even got some injera to go and to freeze and I have made injera twice since then once with beef and once with chicken ..... and both my children loved it, as did my husband ..... Nyla kept telling me: "Mama, this is my favorite food .... I love it .... " but then again she says that about so many other foods I cook for them ..... I'm really happy, both my kids can EAT ... and they're not picky Thank God!!!!!

At the reunion we met Miles, Eliza's boy, for the first time in person ..... we call them the "brothers from other mothers" ...... and fathers for that matter .... but they do look a lot alike, don't they? .... and of course handsome as they can be ..........

At the picnic we had to bring our own lunch, so of course we chowed down on some KFC .... which my children, including cousin Faith, love.

Nyla saw one of her friends from back in Ethiopia at the House of Hope at the picnic ... and both Nyla and Nyah Tamirat remembered each other. How neat is that?????

Cousin Faith, Eliza's little girl Marley and Nyla at the CHI picnic.

My adoptive Mom friends: Stacy (we were in Ethiopia at the same time, Missy and Eliza (they brought me pictures and video back of Nyla while we were waiting to pick her up, as well as took some gifts from us to her .... this was the first time I met these ladies in person). It was sooo good to see them ..... we did plan on going to eat together that night after the picnic at the Ethiopian restaurant, but by the time my children woke up, it was too late for the babies to be out and about ..... so hopefully next time, ladies ..... I so hope!!!!!!!!!!

At Nana's before leaving for the picnic.

The 4 of us at Big Kahuna's after they gave everybody orders of exiting the waters because it was lighting and thundering ...... hence, Jalen's unhappiness!!!! ..... and of course they were good and tired too after four hours at the waterpark. This little girl would do all the "scary" slides we would do ..... all she needed was the life vest .... she is not a scardy cat at all ...

The next pictures were taken this past weekend as we went to Midbay Shores Cabins by the Bay. It was again lots of fun, the children had lots of fun, were good to each other and to us :) ... we are truly blessed as parents so far ...... hope this streak lasts well into their 20s ..... ok, wishful thinking, but still .... a girl can dream, right!

Right outside our cabin we were staying at.

We don't do fast food restaurants, except when we're on trips, and besides the obvious which is Micky D's, the children love Churche's Chicken and KFC.
My 2 konjo butterflies ..... I'm such a blessed Momma!!!!
So these were some of the updates of this summer .... almost ... past. We've had many firsts, we had no more eye issues with Nyla (it turned out to be a chalazion above her eye, but with antibiotic drops for a few weeks it completely went away never to return back ..... at least so far).
So now the school is about to begin: Nyla's in Preschool K-4 and Jalen's in 1st Grade. I'm excited to see what the next chapter in our lives will bring ..... Jalen will be starting Basketball in the fall and Nyla will be cheerleading ..... the good thing about it is that they both get to play at the same time - 0n Saturdays - one will be playing the other cheering - and we'll try to have their practrices at the same time too, if that is possible .... we'll see.
All in all, everything's good so far. Nyla's English has become very good and we're talking about Ethiopia a lot, I think it comes up at least once a day even between the children. She has told us so much from what she remembers .... but it seems all is from the time at the HoH ... not much from before ..... at least so far ..... We didn't have any "melt-downs" anymore since May ... but she knows that when she gets older she can go to Ethiopia if she likes and she can take Mama with her or Jalen or Dada but - and these are her own words "only for 1 night because she wants to come back to America because her mimis (dolls) will miss her" ... this is of course her reasoning, but I'm so proud of her how she makes sense of things in her little 4 year old brain .... I think it helped her to know that she can go back to "Topia" if she wants to and that she can take us with her and come back with us ... if SHE wants to ..... I think knowing this was important to her .... and it seems to have put her at ease with all the changes she has gone through. I think she is happy here with us, based on how she is with us, and I'm not just talking about the cuddling and the kissing and the many "I love you so much Mama" or "Dada" but just as a whole of how she acts, and how she strives and blossoms every day and how she's adjusted so well to her new family and her new life ...... we love her so much and cannot imagine our lives without her in it .... without both our children in it for that matter ..... I just can't imagine my life without my two wonderful konjo butterflies ... and Geno :) .... in it.