24 March 2009

A Prayer for My CHI Friends!

Today our agency received 6 referrals (it means, 6 children were matched up with waiting families): one little baby girl, two sibling toddler girls, and three unrelated toddler boys. The 5 families must be so happy and overjoyed right about now. I can't wait to find out who they are. Our agency has an online group where all the families meet up and chat, exchange advice on all kinds of adoption issues, and encourage each other through this whole process and after once the children are home. I really enjoy being part of this group and learning, sharing, encouraging and praying. God bless all my CHI-Ethiopia-Kids group friends and all the staff at our agency, the children and their new families, as well as the children waiting to come home. Amen.

18 March 2009

Very Sad News From Ethiopia

Heregewoin Teferra

This lady was a remarkable person. Her life and what she did for the orphans in Ethiopia - especially in Addis Abeba - is extraordinary and exemplary. The book about her life is "There Is no Me Without You" by Melissa Faye Greene - I have a photo of it on this blog toward the bottom. If you read this book you will understand what I mean about what an angel this lady was.

The sad news: Mrs. Haregewoin Teferra has died on 17 March 2009. She felt sick, called for a friend, and died in her bed. I have no more details at this time.

17 March 2009

To Tiff, b/c she was on my mind Today!

At Tiff's Mom's House for Thanksgiving 2008.

Tiff's Email

My best friend from Chicago sent me this picture in email today. I thought it was so cute and worth posting.

Liebe and Love to you too, Tiff.


01 March 2009

Snow in Montgomery, AL

Today, 1 March 09, snow fell on Montgomery, AL. Jalen was excited and went outside to play with the other kids right away. Soon we had to come in though because the snow turned into rain, wind and really, really cold .............. for Alabama.

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers